- general
- gaming
- applications
- movies
- books
- linux
- anime
- people
- coding
- humor
- music
- geek
- work
- internet
- hosting
- web
- gforge
- hiscifi
- cjsf
- apache
- server
- blog client
- ecto
- mythtv
- kodekoan
- dr who
- tv
- xbox360
- net::openid::consumer
- openid
- perl
- php
- debug
- ssh
- ssh+svn
- svn
- pc
- livejournal
- git
- gitolite
- jenkins
- android
- gamepad
- nexus 7
- snes
- year-in-review
- school
- yaoirpg
- amazon
- capistrano
- programming
- ruby
- dating
- personal
- single
- bash
- prompt
- direnv
- tools i use
- rpgs
- back to the future
- jokes
- justin
- telegram
- random thoughts
- victoria
- code and coffee
- meetup
- talks
- testing
- vancouver
- atlassian
- hipchat
- open source
- sauce labs
- docker
- systemd
- terraria
- tshock
- atlassian connect
- bamboohr
- jira
- kubernetes
- dropbox
- gatsby
- react
- node school
- node bots
- elgin
- 3d printer
- wetfly
- k8s
- openldap
- helm
- christmas
- mom
- docker-registry
- nigel